Monday, April 18, 2011

CHAPTER 6: Databases

List, describe, and provide an example of each of the five characteristics of high quality information.

    • Accuracy – are all the values correct? For example, is the name spelled correctly? Is the dollar amount recorded properly?
    • Completeness – are any of the values missing? For example, is the address complete, including street, city, state, and zip code?
    • Consistency – is aggregate or summary information in agreement with detailed information? For example, do all total fields equal the true total of the individual fields?
    • Uniqueness – is each transaction, entity, and event represented only once in the information? For example, are there any duplicate customers?
    • Timeliness – is the information current with respect to the business requirements? For example, is information updated weekly, daily, or hourly?

An example of data entry
Define the relationship between a database and a database management system.

Database Management System

Maintains information about various types of objects (inventory), events (transactions), people (employees) and places (warehouses)

Software through which users and application programs interact with a database

Basic functions:
-          Providing user views
-          Creating and modifying the database
-          Storing and retrieving data
-          Manipulating data and generating reports

Common database management systems:
Oracle – very large distributed databases, billions of records, 000’s of users
Microsoft SQL / MySQL
Mid size database, back end to front end apps, millions of records, 00’s of users
Access / Info Path
Small Database, 100k’s of rows, one or few users

Describe the advantages an organisation can gain by using a database.

- Accurately stores records
- Distributes information easily
- Reduces redundancy of information 
- High quality of information/ high integrity 
- Increased information Security- e.g. only the right people have access

Define the fundamental concepts of the relational database model.

A relational database is a collection of tables from which data can be accessed in many different ways without having to reorganize the database tables.
That is, once relationships are created, tables can “talk” to each other.  We can link (relate) the tables to find certain information. 

An example of a relationship database model:

Describe the benefits of a data-driven website.

Data-driven websites – an interactive website kept constantly updated and relevant to the needs of its customers through the use of a database. The customer enters search criteria in the website. The database runs a query on the search criteria


Content management
Future expandability
Minimising human error
Cutting production and update costs
More efficient
Improved stability
Real time info like stock levels & price changes

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