Monday, April 18, 2011

CHAPTER 4 Ethics and Information Security

Explain the ethical issues surrounding information technology
- Intellectual property- the collection of rights that protect creative and intellectual effort 
- Copy right- The exclusive right to do, or omit to do, certain acts with intangible property such as sonf, video game and some types of proprietary documents
- Fair use doctrine- In certain situations, it is legal to use copyrighted material 
- Pirated software- The unauthorised use, duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted softwae
- Counterfeit software- Software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such 

Describe and explain one of the computer use policies that a company might employee

Ethical computer use policy

- Contains general principles to guide computer user behaviour
- Is an essential step in creating an ethical corporate culture. 
- Ensures that users know how to behave at work and the organisation has a published standard by which to deal with user infractions
- Organisations should ensure all users are aware of the policy through formal training and other means 
- For example the guidelines as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate at work- see below for when this is breached 

What are the 5 main technology security risks?

Outline one way to reduce each risk.
- Human errors- Change passwords regularly 
- Natural Disasters- Make sure the organisation has a contingency plan in place for when a natural disaster occurs, eg location of backup data
- Technical Failures- Backup data
- Deliberate acts- Secure passwords
- Management failure-implement appropriate training
What is a disaster recovery plan, what strategies might a firm employ?

- The process of regainning access to computer systems and data after a disaster has taken place 
- All firms should have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place
- All firms must have business continuity plans that outline exactly what happens in a disaster 
- Off Site Data kept in date order
- Well documented procedures
- Regular recovery testing 

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