Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CHAPTER 7: Networks, Telecommunications

Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology.

Wireless Technology- is any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a 'hard wired' connection. 

  • Universal Access to information and applications 
  • The automation of business processes
  • User convenience, timelines and ability to conduct business 24/7, 365 days a year- allowing information to be accessed almost anytime, anywhere. 

Describe the business benefits associated with VoIP

VoIP uses TCP/IP technology to transmit voice calls over internet technology. This includes phone calls, faxes, voice mail, e-mail and Web conferences over digital networks.
TCP/IP-  transmission control protocol/ Internet Protocol- which provides the technical
foundation for the public internet as well as for large numbers of the private internet. 

VoIP offers businesses significant cost savings, productivity gains and service enhancements as it:
Runs over the existing computer network
The calls over the internet do not attract Telecommunications charges.
Customers can port their numbers between carriers

Compare LANs and WANs

Local area networks (LANs) 

Wide area networks (WANs)

Connect computers that reside in a single geographic location on the premises of the company that operates the LAN.

It is used for sharing resources like files, printers, games or other applications. 

A LAN connects to other LANs and to the internet or wide area network,
Connect computers at different geographic sites.

WANs spa a large geographical area, such as state, province or country. 

WANs also often connect multiple smaller networks such as LANs. 

Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 
  • Tags that use radio waves to transmit data
  • RFIDs are heavily used in Inventory tracking, and will eventually replace barcodes
  • Passive RFID
    • No internal power. Can pick up the very faint signal from an antenna, power up just enough to transmit data back to antenna. 
  • RFDI's are used in 
    • Passports
    • Transportation (e-tags)
    • etc
  • Helps supply chains by:
    • cutting costs by requiring fewer workers for scanning items
    • Can supply more and more accurate information for the supply chain 
    • Makes inefficient business processes more transparent 
    • Manufacturers improve supply-chain planning and execution by incorporating RFID technologies. 
    • By placing RFID tags on cases and pallets shipped from manufacturers to distribution centres, companies would be able to keep close tabs on their shipments. In turn, that would allow distribution centres and its suppliers to streamline their supply chains and ultimately ensure shelves were always fully stocked

Identify the advantages and disadvantage of deploying mobile technology

  • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) - Good upload rates, uses existing telephone lines, but speeds vary depending on distance from telephone company's central office and slower downloads than less expensive alternatives. 
  • Cable - uses existing cable infrastructure, low-cost equipment, but shared connections can overload system, slowing upload times. 
  • TI/T3 Dedicated Line - uses existing phone wiring, but performance drops significantly with range and susceptible to crosstalk. 
  • Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) - fast data speeds, infrastructure has long life expectancy, low maintenance, low power costs, but not widely available and significant deployment cost (for company). 
  • Fixed Wireless - typically inexpensive to install, no underground digging, but weather, topography, buildings, and electronics can cause interference. 
  • Satellite - nearly universal coverage, available in otherwise inaccessible area, but expensive service/equipment and upload/download delays.

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