Friday, May 20, 2011


Explain the triple constraint and its importance in project management.
The triple constraint involves making tradeoffs between scope, time and cost for a project. 
The 3 variables are interdependent- you can't change one without changing the others.

  • Increased Scope  = increased time +  increased cost
  • Tight Time = increased costs + reduced scope
  • Tight Budget = increased time + reduced scope.

Describe the two primary diagrams most frequently used in project planning

The PERT Chart:
(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is a graphical network model that depicts a projects tasks and the relationships between those tasks. 

A typical PERT chart

A dependency- is a logical relationship that exists between the project tasks, or between a project task and a milestone. 
A critical path- a path from start to finish that passes through all the tasks that are critical to completing the project in the shortest amount of time. 

The Gantt Chart
A simple bar chart that depicts project tasks against a calendar. 

Click here for the IT Gantt Chart website 

The tasks are listed vertically, and the projects time frame is listed horizontally 

Identify the three primary areas a project manager must focus on managing to ensure success

  • Managing people
  • Managing communications
  • Managing change

Outline 2 reasons why projects fail and two reasons why projects succeed

    Why projects fail:

    Why projects succeed:
    Failure to align project with organizational objectives
    Poor scope
    Unrealistic expectation
    Lack of executive sponsorship
    Inability to move beyond individual and personality conflicts
    Project sponsorship at executive level
    Good project charter
    String project management
    The right mix of team players
    Good decision making
    Good communication
    Team members are working toward common goals

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