Monday, March 14, 2011

CHAPTER 2: Strategic Decision Making

Define TPS and DSS and explain how an organization can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantage

TPS Transaction Processing Systems
DSS Decision Support System
    The basic business system that serves the operational level (analysts) in an organization
-    Manage elementary business activities eg sales, receipts, cash deposits, payroll, credit decisions and flow of materials
-    They also replace repetitive tasks
-    Online transaction processing systems
o   Eg ATM- information is processed immediately
-    Provide the foundation for all over information systems
-    Eg POS- collects information directly from customer
-     Collects information directly from internet/ customer to store in database- reduces data entry processes/ reducing mistakes
A system that records each transaction eg adding a payroll etc

Information to support managers and business professionals during the decision-making process
-     Assist decision making to more complex problems/ unstructured/ semi-structures problems
o   Eg Estimating future cash flows from the use of long-lived assets,
      Eg Judging the adequacy of an argument promoting a reduction in the capital gains tax rate,
      Eg preparing an operating budget for the next 5 years
Comes from TPS- analyses it. Helps making strategic decisions

Describe the 3 quantitative models typically used by decision support Systems (DSS)

1.      Sensitivity analysis
-          The study of the impact that changes in one (or more) parts of the model have on other parts of the model
2.      What-if analysis
-          Checks the impact of a change in an assumption on the proposed solution
-          Eg what is sales increase or decrease?- effects: staffing, marketing etc
3.      Goal seeking analysis
-          Finds the inputs necessary to achieve a goal
-          Eg what sales do I set to break even?

Describe business processes and their importance to an organization

-          Business Process:
o   A standard set of activities that accomplish a specific task such as processing a customers order or enrolling a student
o   The more efficient this process the higher the business profits (eg creating lower COGS)
-          Customer-facing process
o   Received directly from customer
o   Eg ordering maccas
-          Business-facing process
o   INVISIBLE to the external customer
o   Eg goal setting, day to day planning, rewards and resource allocation

Compare Business process improvement and business process re-engineering
BPI Business process improvement
BPR business process re-engineering
      Requires taking a broad view of both IT and business activity & the relationships between them
-          Develop the business vision & process objectives
-          Identify processes to be improved
-          Understand & measure the existing processes
-          Know the limitations/potential of technology
-          Design & build a prototype of the new process
Continuous improvement model

-          Assumes the process is BROKEN and needs to be improves
-          EG AAMI- best call centre (because 80% of calls are answered by a person who knows all the answers- no transferring)
Process is dead- needs a new one

Describe the importance of business process modeling (or mapping) and business process models

-          To be able to visualize an organisations operation- helps identify problems and new opportunities
-          Technology makes processes invisible, BPM makes them visible
-          Shows process details in a gradual and controlled manner
IT makes processing possible. Make process visible to make it more efficient 


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